Corporate Social Responsibility


To CLAIM's staff is fundamental to base our work in a good relationship with the society, assuming the compromise to collaborate with in a programmed and strategic way, in order to maximize the impact of our contributions in time, service and knowledge administration. The commitment we assume with the community is a way to give back the possibility that we have in order to do our job. For this reason it is important for us that behind every project or collaboration we make there is a sector of the society that benefits.


In every collaboration we seek to transmit values such as solidarity, social compromise, constructive spirit, team work and the idea that from any role that we play in the society there is a space from where we can contribute.


CLAIM has a compromise with our planet, in our day to day work we minimize the impact of our actions, reusing and recycling.

We believe that this are some small contributions in order to tell society that everyone can help improve our society and take care of our Planet Earth.


Our staff and all our panelists collaborate with the recollection of plastic items to donate to the Garraham Hospital, where they exchange plastic for wheelchairs for the patients. We are also part of the program "Look good, feel better" a program that is administrated by the Argentinian Chamber of the Cosmetic and Perfume Industry (CAPA), dedicated to women that are fighting against Cancer.





José Bonifacio 715, CABA

+5411 2148.6633 / 4433.2732


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