
Our Clients


Our services are geared primarly to manufacturer companies, bottling companies, distributors and importers from Argentina and the World.



Quality Manual


CLAIM has a Quality Manual, a document that sets policies and general guidelines on our quality responsibility as an organization of studies and tests. This manual provides an overview on its organizational structure, resources and methods needed to implement the Quality System.

Personal Data


All the information related with the tests and obtained by CLAIM during the performance of the protocol, as well as all the information provided by the client, are protected and treated as strictly confidential information. Prior to the start of any test, a Confidential Agreement is signed between CLAIM and the client.


Our database with the information of our panelists is protected by the Argentinean law Ley Nº 25.326 “Registro Nacional de Bases de Datos“



Instritutional Ethics Comittee



Integrated Integrado por profesionales del ámbito de la medicina, filosofía, psicología, leyes y docencia, permite avalar con mayor confiabilidad los protocolos y consentimientos informados que se les brinda a nuestros panelistas para su participación en los ensayos.

José Bonifacio 715, CABA

+5411 2148.6633 / 4433.2732


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